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General Club Rules

Space Assignments and Waiting List Rules

By-laws PDF printable

Adopted May, 1968

Latest Revision Ratified: November 23, 2020



1.1     This organization shall be known as the La Crosse Sailing Club, hereinafter referred to as the Club.

1.2     The purposes of the Club shall be to promote sailing as a recreational activity and amateur sport, and to conduct activities commensurate with these purposes.

1.3     Additions, deletions or changes to the By-Laws of the Club may be submitted by any member in good standing in writing at any membership meeting and shall be voted upon at the next following membership meeting.  Modifications to the By-Laws shall require a favoring vote by two-thirds of the members in good standing, present and voting, or by signed proxy.  Modifications shall be presented in the notice of the meeting at which they will be voted upon.  The Club shall be dissolved only by a favoring vote of two-thirds of members in good standing, at a membership meeting, where notice of said purpose has been provided.

1.4     In addition to these bylaws the club directorship shall establish rules that must be followed by all members for use of club facilities, and for docking or dry storage of boats. A written policy shall also be established for the purposes of managing and administering wait list(s) for assignment of slip, lift, beach, rack, and trailer locations. These documents shall be published annually and made available to all club members and prospective members. Additions, deletions, or changes to these documents shall be the responsibility of the directorship subject to approval of the membership at a membership meeting.

1.5     Upon dissolution of the Club, all assets will be equally divided among members in good standing as of December of the previous year subject to compliance with applicable state laws.



2.1      Active Membership

2.1.1      The requirements for Active Membership shall be non-discriminatory. All persons 18 years of age or older on or before June 30of the membership year shall be considered eligible.

2.1.2      Any eligible person applying for Active Membership shall be considered elected upon majority vote of the Membership Committee.

2.1.3      All Active Memberships shall be permitted full and complete use of all club facilities, except unauthorized use of those properties specified by the directorship to be preserved for official purposes.

2.1.4      An Active Membership entitles the member to one slip or lift location, and one rack, trailer or beach location. Availability and assignment is subject to the wait list policy and payment of docking fees per section 2.4.  Any additional slip or lift locations require that a second membership fee be paid. This is subject to approval by the club directorship. Availability and assignment is subject to the wait list policy and payment of docking fees per section 2.4.

2.1.5      An Active Membership grants the privileges of Article 2.1.3 to the immediate family members (which includes identified partner and/or children under 18) of the Active Member. 

2.2      Associate Membership

2.2.1      In addition to Active Membership there shall be a category of Associate Member.

2.2.2      The category of associate member shall be open to all past Active Members of the club, retroactively, subject to the following conditions:  1. Associate Members will not be allowed to have any ownership in boats at the club. 2. An Associate Member will not be allowed to vote on club business, or serve as a member of the Directorship.

2.3      General

2.3.1      All Members are required to place their boat in the assigned space each year by the date established by the directorship, approved by the membership in a membership meeting and shown in the published club rules. Failure to do so may result in loss of the assigned space as described in the published docking rules. Any deviations from this policy require approval of the Commodore acting on behalf of the directorship.

2.3.4    Workday credit is set annually by the directorship subject to approval of the membership at a membership meeting.  This credit is applied to the next year’s membership fee, and is based on a member’s (or their designee’s) participation at workdays during the year, and/or completion of other tasks approved by the Properties Chair.

2.3.5    The initiation fee is charged once to a new Active or Group member. The initiation fee will not be charged to the adult legal children (over 18) of Active Members, former spouses of Active Members and any individual who has been an Active, Associate or Group Member within a five year period prior to requesting membership.



  3.1 All officers of the Club shall be members in good standing selected by a majority ballot vote of those members in good standing, present and voting, or by signed proxy, at the Annual Meeting.

3.2 At least one nominee for each office, except Fleet Captains, shall be presented in the form of a Yes or No ballot by the Nominating Committee. In the event of a majority No vote, the Nominating Committee shall similarly present an alternate candidate until the office is filled.

3.3 The terms of all offices shall be one calendar year beginning on January 1 of the year following election.

3.4 Commodore shall be elected first. The Commodore is eligible to succeed himself/herself in this office for a maximum term of three successive years.

3.5 A Vice-Commodore shall be elected next. The Vice-Commodore is eligible to succeed himself/herself in this office for a maximum term of three successive years.

3.6 A Secretary shall be elected next. The Secretary is eligible to succeed himself/herself in this office for a maximum term of three successive years. 

3.7 A Treasurer shall be elected next. The Treasurer is eligible to succeed himself/herself in this office for a maximum term of three successive years.  As compensation for the duties, the Treasurer shall have membership and dockage fees waived during his/her years of service. 

3.8 Fleet Captains shall be nominated and elected next. Each fleet Captain shall be nominated and elected only by and from the owners of his/her fleet craft. Each Fleet Captain is eligible to succeed himself in this office without limit.

3.9 No person shall be elected to more than one office position concurrently.

3.10 Vacancies shall be filled by special election at the next following membership meeting to complete the un-expired term of the office vacated.

3.11 Officers may be removed from office by two thirds vote of the membership in good standing present and voting, or by signed proxy, at a membership meeting.



4.1 The Directorship of the Club shall consist of four officers and the Fleet Captains. In the event there are fewer than five bona-fide fleet captains the executive committee shall appoint, from the membership, interim captains to bring the directorship to the designated strength. Interim at-large appointments are only for those years when the membership falls below five. 

4.2 The presiding officer of the Directorship and the Club shall be the Commodore, or in their absence, the Vice-Commodore. 

4.3 The Directorship shall meet, irregularly, upon notification to all officers by the Commodore or Secretary. 

4.4 Fifty-one percent (51%) of the Directorship present shall constitute a quorum. 

4.5 The Directorship shall be responsible for the administration of the business of the Club, consistent with these By-Laws. 

4.6 A majority vote of those officers, present and voting and by signed proxy, shall be required to approve any resolution presented for vote. 

4.7 The Executive Committee shall be composed of the four elected officers.  



5.1 Each membership meeting of the Club shall be called by mailed (post, electronic or otherwise) notice to all members by the Secretary.  Notice shall be sent no less than 14 days prior to the date of the meeting and must include access to an agenda for the meeting.

5.2 Fifteen members in good standing, present, shall constitute a quorum. 

5.3 It shall be mandatory to call two membership meetings per year. The first shall be designated as the Organizational meeting and shall be held in the First Quarter of each year. The second shall be designated as the Annual Meeting and held during the fourth quarter of each year. The Annual Meeting shall be held for the purpose of electing officers for the coming year and to discuss any recommended new procedure or general business for the consideration of the new Board of Directors. 

5.4 The Directorship shall call other membership meetings at its pleasure and convenience. Upon receipt of a petition requesting a membership meeting and signed by 10 or more members in good standing, a meeting shall be called within 30 days. 

5.5 A majority of those members in good standing, present and voting, or by signed proxy, shall be required to approve any resolution presented for vote, except as provided in Articles 1.3 and 3.10  



6.1 A proposed budget for each calendar year shall be prepared by the Directorship and presented to the membership with the notice of the Organizational Meeting for approval at that meeting.

6.2 A proposed budget shall indicate the following:

    A. Detailed expenditures for the previous year. 

    B. Current cash condition and allocation to general and reserve accounts. 

    C. Proposed schedule of dues, fees and assessments. 

    D. Outstanding accounts receivable. 

    E. Total estimated income for the calendar year. 

    F. Detailing of proposed expenditures for the calendar year. 

    G. Estimated general and reserve fund balances and the end of the year. 

6.3 Funds budgeted in the reserve fund may be used only for those expenditures specifically authorized by the membership at a membership meeting.

6.4 The Directorship is authorized to make appropriations without membership approval for emergency expenditures only, the total of which shall not exceed the amount of the general fund.

6.5 The Directorship is authorized to dispose of Club properties without membership approval only if the value of such property does not exceed $150.00. All other disposals shall be subject to approval by the membership at a membership meeting.

6.6 Funds remaining at the end of each year may be added to the reserve fund subject to approval by the membership at a membership meeting.

6.7 Other proper and appropriate business may be presented before any membership meeting by the Directorship or by any member in good standing.


7.1 The Commodore shall appoint a chair and the members to all committees except the Nominating Committee.  Committee chairs and members shall be appointed for each calendar year from the membership of the Club.  A member of the Directorship may not serve as committee chair or member of any standing committee, except that Fleet Captains shall serve on the Nominating Committee.

7.2 The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Fleet Captains.  This committee shall act without a chair.The Executive Committee appoints a convener at a board meeting prior to the annual Organizational Meeting.

7.3 Standing Committee appointments shall be announced at the Organizational Meeting.

7.4      Standing Committees shall consist of three members including the chair.  The standing committees of the Club shall be:

    A.   Properties Committee

    B.   Social/Membership Committee

    C.   Nominating Committee

7.5  Special committees may consist of any number of members

7.6 Committee chairs may appoint sub-committee members and chairs.

7.7 The duties, responsibilities and authority of each committee shall be assigned to that committee by the Directorship.


8.1 A Fleet shall consist of any group of four or more boats of the same or similar class or design, who choose to group together for the purpose of representation on the Board of Directors. 

8.2 Intention of Fleet organization may be presnet ot the officers at any time along with the name of the designated Fleet Captain.

8.3 The proposed Fleet shall be given status in the Club by the officers if it meets the above requirements.  


Spaces are grouped into three classes.

    Class A: Floating, Wide Lifts and Narrow Lifts
    Class B: Beach, Dolly and Rack
    Class C: Trailer


The LAX Sailing Club is a cooperative of sailboat owners, who share the responsibilities of maintaining the club grounds and various events for sailors.

More about Membership


LaCrosse Sailing Club
PO Box 2582 LaCrosse, WI 54602-2582
3600 Lakeshore Drive on French Island LaCrosse, WI 54603
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